CLI Project!

Posted by Elijah wines on April 2, 2020

First off, let me just explain how anxious I was about this project. We had just gone over more than 100 lessons about Ruby, both Procedural and Object Oriented, and we were about to put ALL of this information into one project. So, needless to say, I was intimidated.

The project requires a CLI (command line interface) which basically means some text that will help guide the user through the app. The project also requires that you gather information from an external source like a website or an API(application program interface). Along with these requirements you also had to show that you have a pretty solid understanding of how to code in Ruby, and trust me, if you want to complete this project you’ll have to!

I referenced a lot of the example projects that were given to us to help guide us through what this project was really looking for. The Daily Deal project so kindly created and given to us (by Avi Flomboum himself) was a great reference for me. The code seemed really self explanatory, and it helped guide me through my project!

While creating the project, I definitely ran into some walls. I felt like I kept coding myself into a corner and didn’t know how to get myself out of it! In the end, I completely restarted my project 3 or 4 times, I was beginning to think that it was hopeless, and I just wasn’t able to display the information the way I wanted to! But little did I know, this actualluy helped me understand what I was doing SO MUCH BETTER!! Coding myself into corners and realizing I had nowhere to get was a total learning experience for me, and in the end I think it taught me what to do and what not to do. Everyone always says failure is the most valuable lesson, and I failed many many times before I finally got what I was looking for!

Overall, this project was a necessary step in teaching me how to code, and I’m extremely thankful for that. I believe that I am a more skilled programmer because of it and I now look forward to the projects I will overcome in the future.