
Interesting Hash Problems

Hashes are basically giant groups of data. They’re like an array, but a little more complicated because they have keys and values, whereas arrays just have values. Theyre more efficient when it comes to storing data inside of data! But of course, with more power comes more responsibility!

Why I decided to learn Software Development.

For me, it started off as something I was just curious about. I had known of its existence, but was not at all familiar with it or even knew how or where to begin. It was something that seeed so impossible to me, but the more research I did the more possible the idea seemed. 
	I first started learning about it through a youtube video. It was a "HTML basics" and was the pretty much the first video I came across. The guy was clearly an expert and was pretty fluent with his skills, but then again that was just the basics, nothing too complex. 
	I began to grow more and more curious reading more about career possibilities through Software Development, and it seemed pretty amazing to me. The industry is only growing. It's the new generation of technology and it was something I could see a future in. My fascination grew and grew and thats when I started looking into schools. My local community college I was attending did not have a great program, so I took to the internet and after lots of research I found Flatiron.
	Fast forward to now and I am extremely excited to learn as much as I possibly can! I look forward to this experience, and am excited about the opportunities I will have ahead of me because of it.