

The Rails Project Build I created for my portfolio project tasked me with creating a web application using the Ruby on Rails Framework. The project required implementing my knowledge of MVC model, many to many relationships between models, validations, scope methods, user authentication, omniauth login, nested routing, and validation errors. This sounds (and kind of is) like a lot of work, but the Rails Framework makes it simple and easy to manage a web application with these features.

Sinatra Portfolio Project

This blog post will explain my experience a knwoledge used while completing the Sinatra Portfolio Project fot Flatiron School!

CLI project (technical blog)

CLI class:

CLI Project!

First off, let me just explain how anxious I was about this project. We had just gone over more than 100 lessons about Ruby, both Procedural and Object Oriented, and we were about to put ALL of this information into one project. So, needless to say, I was intimidated.

Key Hash Concepts

As I explained in my last blog, hashes are extremely useful tools to use in Ruby for containing large amounts of information. Hashes are basically like a dictionary, you have the word, then the definition next to it, but what if you don’t understand a word IN the definition? Well just flip a couple hundred pages and you’ll find that word too!